
A date, a birthday party, or a bigger event? Fill out the form and we will make it happen!

If you are making a reservation for the same day after 12:00, please call us at the numbers below:

Klub Betlémská: +420 733 587 512

Burza #4: +420 733 587 511

Reach us out

Do you want to contact us or have other questions about our team, projects, etc.? We would love to “hear” from you.

Díky za zprávu!

Tvoje zpráva byla úspešně odeslána a její kopii jsme ti poslali na zadaný e-mail.

Ozveme se ti do 24 hodin.

V případě rezervace tě ještě budeme kontaktovat na uvedené tel. číslo nebo e-mail, abychom si potvrdili detaily. 

Thanks for the message!

Your message has been successfully sent and a copy of it has been sent to the e-mail address you entered.

We will get back to you within 24 hours.

In case of a reservation, we will still contact you at the phone number or e-mail provided to confirm the details.