Burza #4 Collective

Vrrrátnice - Praha, Holešovice

Several years ago, four guys stumbled upon a neglected spot in the Prague market. It didn’t take long before a bar sprouted in that very place.

Never did anyone anticipate that the establishment would last longer than a single summer. The city had plans to renovate the entire market area. As autumn began, we found ourselves reminiscing about wild parties, concerts, or theater nights. 🎺

Over the years, we’ve opened and closed the Burza #4 garden several times, launched the winter pop-up bar Hned Vedle next to the original garden, and established Vrrrátnice in the former gatekeeper’s building. Recently, we’ve also unveiled Klub Betlémské on Betlémské Square. As you can see, our business names are truly original. 😉

Contact us

Do you just want to write to us or do you have other questions about our team, projects, etc.? We would love to hear from you. Write to us.

Information and contact

Burza #4 s.r.o.
IČ: 09667997
E-mail: info@burza4.com

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